When I say this, please don't think I'm trying to be rude or mean anything hurtfull, but this plan is NOT going to work. For several reasons which I'll list. First let me tell some of you who might not know me, exactly who I am. I'm Sparkeh, guildmaster of Warriors.of.Legend. I have pretty much a full guild, and all of them are at least lvl 40, which is about to be raised to minimum of lvl 50 in the next week or so. The name, although even corny sounding to me, has meaning. Myself and a few friends came from a RO (Ragnarok Online) server called Legend RO. We all raced to make level 50 and the first to do so made the guild, the rest is history. Now let me get to the list I promised.
1. First, let me explain how this opens itself up to many people who will abuse this plan. By the rules you've stated above, not only can I not make any money by selling my wares to people that need it, but now I have to keep it for them too? You realize that your plan has us eventually "controlling" Abbadon right? That means any 13 year old snot-nose lazy brat that JUST hit 35 can demand whatever he wishes from me, wether it be gear or a leach, and I must obey? Sorry but fuck that. I don't give anything away, unless they're in my own guild. I don't leach anybody, unless they are in my guild (but since they're all lvl 40 I don't really need to do that). And no way in hell am I going to help some kid I don't even know 2 seconds from getting PK'd. I had to deal with it, they deal with it.
2. Secondly I'm going to explain how our own members are going to betray us, and the chaos that it will cause. With as many people that you propose could benefit from this, almost the same amount of people will not benefit, in fact the end result for at least half of this alliance will be poor at best. I say this because it's just too many people, your not going to stop guild A from pk-ing somebody from guild B even if both of them are in the alliance because either they don't care, or are too stupid to reallize they're hitting an ally in the first place. I see this happen all the time with guilds that only have a few allies, let alone something that's this broad in ideal. Old grudges die hard, sometimes you just can't get people to get along and trying to make guilds get along is just not going to happen. Take for instance a few of the German guilds. If any of these guilds were to be part of the alliance, I'd plain and simply leave on the spot. I'm not racist, but people that stupid are not my friends. Using that as an example, I'm sure there are bound to be more guilds that don't like eachother either. The in-fighting will be uncontrollable, might as well not even be an alliance.
3. Now let me explain my last point and my rant is finished. This last part is about 2 main ideals but I'm too lazy and it's too late to write a number 4. Fist let me get to the high leveled guilds. There's no way in HELL guilds such as Nevermind, X law, Sexi, Pulse, RIP and a bunch of other high minimun level guilds are going to allow us to do such a thing. Just 1 of their high 80's or 90's (let alone a 100+) can take out several of "us". It doesn't matter if we had 100/1 odds, guilds like that have nothing to gain from such a merger and will fight us to the ends, hell they'll do it just for fun. My next point is who controlls this whole thing? Is there a "mastermind"? Will there be a president? First and foremost I'll get this out of the way right now: NOBODY controls me, NOBODY tells me what to do, and NOBODY is going to make me do things I don't want to do. If I want to sell my Polaris armor for 1m to anybody I want, I'm going to do it. I'm not about to share my already full storage with ANYBODY. I'm not going to do the bidding of some noob that demands items or levels because he's too goddamn lazy to get his own. I'm not going to protect a wimp that can't fight his own battles just because he wants it. I'm not being rude, I'm just saying this is how other people are going to react and say as well. Sorry but I'm not going to follow anybody. I help friends, I come to the aid of people that need/deserve it, and I don't need a server-wide alliance to continue doing it.
Sorry but I decline.